CANADA | New Alberta Ombudsman sworn in

On October 18, 2011, Peter Hourihan was sworn in as Alberta’s eighth Ombudsman. Over the course of his 35 year career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Mr. Hourihan worked in a variety of policing roles, most recently serving as the Commanding Officer for the RCMP in British Columbia, responsible for federal, provincial and municipal police operations.


Mr. Hourihan is an experienced mediator.  He has taught courses at the college level in Saskatchewan and was involved heavily in the internal RCMP program where he assisted in developing programs and delivering training.  He has also worked internationally with the Department of Public Safety in Texas, USA, in the development and implementation of its mandatory mediation program.  Additionally, Mr. Hourihan has significant experience at the tribunal level as a decision-maker, as well as an advisor.


Originally from Alberta, Mr. Hourihan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Athabasca University and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Ottawa. One of five Legislative Officers for Alberta, the Ombudsman promotes fairness in public administration and investigates complaints from individuals regarding unfair actions or decisions made by provincial government department, agencies, boards and commissions and some professional organizations.

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