I.O.I. | New admissions to the I.O.I.

At its 2011 meeting in Zambia, the Board of Directors unanimously approved the applications for institutional membership from a total of six ombudsman institutions from the Asian, the Caribbean & Latin American and the European Region. The newly admitted members are the Jordanian Ombudsman Bureau (Asia), the Complaints Commission / British Virgin Islands and the Ombudsman Sint Maarten (both Caribbean and Latin American Region), the Síndica de Greuges de Barcelona / Spain, the Procurador del Común de Castilla y León / Spain and the Ombudsman of the German-speaking Community / Belgium (the latter three joining the European Region). Comprehensive contact information of the new members is available on the I.O.I. website.

In addition, the Board declared Mr Rasaq Adesola Obe from the Public Complaints Commission, Ogun State / Nigeria an individual member of the I.O.I.

The I.O.I. welcomes all new members and looks forward to a long and productive collaboration.

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