ESTONIA | New Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise took oath of office

On 31 March Ülle Madise took the oath of office of the Chancellor of Justice before the new Riigikogu and began to fulfil the duties of the Chancellor of Justice.

On 20 January the former Riigikogu appointed Madise, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Tartu, as the Chancellor of Justice for the next seven years based on the proposal of the President of the Republic of Estonia. 72 deputies voted in favour, nine against and two remained undecided in a vote held by secret ballot.

Madise has headed the Public Law Division of the Ministry of Justice and the Secretariat of the Constitutional Committee of the Riigikogu, worked as the Auditor General of the National Audit Office and acted as the legal adviser to the president. She has participated in the preparation of all commented editions of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and was the editor in chief of the 2012 edition.

Source: Chancellor of Justice, Estonia

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