NORWAY | Ombudsman releases first NPM-Report for 2014

This annual report describes the activities of Norway’s National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in 2014. Since this is the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s first annual report on the preventive mechanism under OPCAT, the report focuses particularly on the establishment of the NPM and the work done during the establishment phase.

During this period, there was a particular focus on establishing an overview of places of detention, methodology development, professional development and external communications. The NPM began making visits in September 2014, and during the course of the autumn made a total of five visits to four places of detention – two prisons and two police custody facilities. After these visits, the NPM drafted visit reports containing recommendations aimed at the places visited and the sectors. The reports are public and are published on the NPM’s website. This annual report contains brief summaries of all the visit reports from 2014, and an overview of the recommendations made for each place of detention and can be downloaded from below.

Source: The Parliamentary Ombudsman, Norway

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