EUROPE | New President of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal

Following the partial renewal of the Members of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal, Mr Sean Van Raepenbusch, who has been a judge at the Tribunal since 6 October 2005, was elected President of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal for the period from 7 October 2011 to 30 September 2014.

Pursuant to Article 4 of Annex 1 to the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the judges of the Civil Service Tribunal elect the President of the Tribunal from among their number for a term of three years. He may be re-elected.

Sean Van Raepenbusch

Born in 1956; law graduate (Free University of Brussels, 1979); Special Diploma in International Law (Brussels, 1980); Doctor of Laws (1989); Head of the Legal Service of the Société anonyme du canal et des installations maritimes (Canals and Maritime Installations Company), Brussels (1979-84); official of the Commission of the European Communities (Directorate-General for Social Affairs, 1984-88); member of the Legal Service of the Commission of the European Communities (1988-94); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1994-2005); Lecturer at the University of Charleroi (international and European social law, 1989-91), at the University of Mons Hainault (European law, 1991-97), at the University of Liège (European civil service law, 1989-91; institutional law of the European Union, 1995-2005; European social law, 2004-05); numerous publications on the subject of European social law and constitutional law of the European Union; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal since 6 October 2005; President of the Civil Service Tribunal since 7 October 2011.



Source:Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg.

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