The Slovenian Human Rights Ombudswoman Dr. Zdenka Cebasek-Travnik presented a website for young pople and children where they can find information about their rights and how to protect them.
Deputy Ombudsman Tone Dolcic said on the occasion that the number of cases dealing with children's rights reported to the ombudsman is rising by around 10% each year.
Last year's number has already been exceeded and is expected to rise to about 270 cases by the end of 2010, making 10% of all cases.
In this field the ombudsman's office is also implementing a programme "Advocate - a Child's Voice", giving children the opportunity to make their own decisions in legal procedures when parents cannot represent them.
Since the start of the programme in September 2005, 89 children have been assigned an advocate.
Source: Human Rights Ombudsman Website