UK | Newsletter from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

In its most recent newsletter, the Office of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman informs – among other things – about:

  • the office’s most recent campaign “Complain for Change”, which aims to raise awareness of the Ombudsman’s services for people with a learning disability;
  • the fact that Local Government Ombudsman Dr Jane Martin has joined the unitary board of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to ensure closer working between the two organisations;
  • the Ombudsman’s investigation into NHS (National Health Services) and research results which showed that older people are some of the most frequent users of the NHS but also the least likely to complain about their treatment and care when standards slip to unacceptable levels;

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman investigates complaints that individuals have been treated unfairly or have received poor service from government departments and other public organisations and the NHS in England. Click HERE to read the May issue of the Ombudsman’s newsletter.

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