The European NPM Newsletter is a bi-monthly review of information deemed relevant for National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) in the Council of Europe region. It is prepared under the aegis of the National Human Rights Structures (NHRS) Unit of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe and is sent to subscribers electronically in the beginning of each month.
The publication of the European NPM Newsletter is part of the European NPM Project, which is funded by a Joint European Union-Council of Europe Project called Peer-to-Peer II Project, with co-funding from the Human Rights Trust Fund. The purpose of the Newsletter is to keep the NPMs permanently aware of developments regarding their community and, thus, to nurture an active network of European NPMs.
Each issue covers two months of retrospective news and information, but also contains information on forthcoming activities and events, including those under the European NPM Project, and provides updates regarding the setting-up, the legislative bases and the functioning of NPMs in Europe. There is also a thematic part where issues raised by NPMs are being discussed.
Find the current issue as download below.