The Office of the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel has adopted innovative measures for accumulating data and sharing it with the public.
On 22 June 2021, the Office launched a Geographic Information System (GIS) on its website (in Hebrew only).
This system makes it possible to receive current data on complaints handled by the Office. The data is updated on a monthly basis.
The data on the GIS are divided into two main groups:
- Results of complaint handling according to the complainant's place of residence
- Results of complaint handling relating to local government (municipality, local council or regional council).
The following data, relating to all places of residence and all municipalities, can be found on the GIS:
- The number of complaints handled by the Office;
- The percentage of complaints found justified or were rectified;
- Breakdown of complaints by subject matter;
- Breakdown of complaints by gender;
- Breakdown of complaints by complainant's place of residence.
In addition to launching the GIS to optimize access to its data, the Office this year initiated another innovation in order to take maximum advantage of the data at its disposal. For the first time, the Office utilized the services of the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics to conduct an in-depth analysis of the data accumulated from the complaints filed with the Office. This in-depth analysis enables the Office to locate the populations that are unaware of its existence and of the advantages to be gained from seeking its assistance, and to improve the accessibility of its services to all sectors of Israeli society, especially to those in particular need of them.
Among other things, the Central Bureau of Statistics was asked for general data on complainants from the community of older people. The data will be presented during the international online conference on the theme "Advancing the rights of the elderly in an age of longevity", which the Office will be hosting, under the auspices of the IOI and AOM, on 1 December 2021 to mark its Jubilee year.
In preparation for the conference, we would appreciate your filling out this on-line questionnaire on the role of the ombudsman in advancing the rights of the elderly. The important data obtained from the questionnaire will be presented during the conference and will assist us in enhancing our vigilance over this deserving community. Please return the questionnaire to the Office of the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel by 15 October 2021.
Since it is not possible to save the document and edit it at a later stage, the questionnaire is also attached in Word format to enable you to draft (and edit) your answers before filling in the digital document itself.
Your cooperation in this matter would be highly appreciated!
Source: Office of the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel
Questionnaire on the Role of the Ombudsperson in Advancing the Rights of the Elderly in an Age of Longevity - EN (26,8 KiB)
Cuestionario acerca del Rol del Defensor del Pueblo (Ombudsperson) en la Promoción de los Derechos de las Personas Mayores en la Era de Longevidad - ES (28,4 KiB)
Questionnaire sur le rôle de l’ombudsman dans la promotion des droits des personnes âgées - FR (27,4 KiB)
Questionnaire on the Role of the Ombudsperson in Advancing the Rights of the Elderly in an Age of Longevity - AR (24,3 KiB)