SLOVENIA | Ombudsman and Minister of Education underline importance of education for the exercise of other rights

On 13 July 2022, Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina held a getting-to-know-you meeting with Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Dr. Igor Papič, where the two men discussed a number of cases dealt with by the Ombudsman’s office and concerning the ministry’s area of work.

Mr Svetina told the Minister that his office had noticed a sharp increase in calls relating to social activities, which include education and sport – in fact, the number of calls increased by 100% in 2021 compared to the year before. The number of calls related to Covid-19 also increased, by almost 50%, with most of them referring to measures taken in education to combat the disease.

The Ombudsman and Minister also discussed the effects of the pandemic on educational institutions, peer-to-peer violence among children, the issue of tuition fees and the challenges of educating children with special needs. “Education is a human right,” said Svetina. “At the same time, it is an indispensable means of exercising other rights. It is a basic driver for lifting economically and socially deprived children out of poverty and enabling them to play a full part in the community,” he added.

Mr. Svetina also delivered a copy of the Ombudsman’s 2021 annual report to Dr. Papič.


Source: Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman, Slovenia

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