Azerbaijan | Ombudsman attended GANHRI General Assembly

The Azerbaijani Ombudsman attended the General Assembly of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), regional meetings of the European National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) and plenary sessions on priority issues in Geneva in the week of 19th February 2018.

On the first day of the trip the Ombudsman attended an event of the European Network of National Preventive Mechanisms. She shared her views on activities within the framework of NPM and shared her proposals on future cooperation. The next day she participated in the GANHRI General Assembly, an ENNHRI meeting and plenary sessions on issues of aged persons, persons with disabilities and migrants. On these occasions, the Ombudsman exchanged views with high ranking officers and members of NHRIs.

The Copenhagen Declaration was adopted at the regional meeting of the ENNHRI. According to this document, the involvement of these institutions in the execution of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights is to be promoted.

The Committee together with GANHRI also adopted a Declaration encouraging countries to create an independent monitoring mechanism in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in case there is no such mechanism and to involve persons with disabilities in their activities. It should be noted that Azerbaijani Ombudsman is functioning as a NHRI that fulfils the functions of an independent monitoring mechanism provided in Article 33.2 of the Convention.

During the above mentioned events the Commissioner met and shared her views with chief representatives of GANHRI, ENNHRI, as well as NHRIs of America, Europe and Asian regions including Turkey and Central Asia. She also expressed her concern about the disorder in the procedures of accreditation of the NHRIs.


Source: The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Ombudsman)

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