China | Ombudsman Hong Kong presents TV drama series

The  Ombudsman  of  Hong Kong invites IOI members to watch the TV drama series jointly produced by her Office and local TV station.  These TV drama  series,  first  of  its  kind,  are  based on actual complaint cases handled  by  the  Office. Through  effective  scriptwriting, the cases are re-created  in the drama series to give a vivid portrayal of human feelings and  the matters involved.  They also reflect the expectations and needs of people  from  different  walks  of life.

From these series, members of the public  can learn more about our functions, modes of complaint handling and the true stories of investigation.

To cater for non-Chinese speaking audience, the Office has recently inserted English subtitles to two episodes. IOI members are most welcome to watch the drama online.

Watch two of the episodes on Youtube here and here, or watch all videos on the Ombudsman's homepage.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Hong Kong

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