The new website of the Office of the Public Services Ombudsman which was launched in September 2011 was only the first step in providing the public with up-to-date information. Ombudsman Mario Hook now presented the first edition of an e-newsletter. On 10 February 2012 the institution sent the first e-newsletter to its web subscribers as well as Ombudsman Organisations, Heads of Public Services in Gibraltar, the media and to all the people who made use of its services in 2011.

In the first editorial Mr Hook stated:“I would like this newsletter as well as our new website (launched September 2011) to be an open portal for all to find out about our work, our investigations and any other related matter which might be of interest to the general public. You will find information on a wide range of activities in our office. As such, this newsletter contains information on our current radio talks on the ‘Role of the Ombudsman’, our ombudsman awareness survey and other snippets including statistical information.

The Ombudsman has a very wide jurisdiction over all Government departments, a number of statutory bodies and other providers of public services. If you feel aggrieved over any matter where you feel that the service provider has failed in some way to deliver that service which it is supposed to, then we invite you to consider lodging a complaint with the Ombudsman. Our investigations are driven by a desire to be of assistance to those who seek our service. Importantly, our aim is to provide feedback to the entity which is the subject of the complaint.

International relations are a fundamental part of our work. Ever since 2003 we have formed strong links with ombudsman organisations and with individual ombudsman schemes. It is via these links that we keep abreast of developments in the ombudsman world. We are also including details of our forthcoming attendance in conferences, seminars and meetings.”

The newsletter will be published on a quarterly basis, the current edition can be downloaded here. Your are also welcome to subscribe to the newsletter.

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