The research report "Electronic petitions and modernisation of petitioning systems in Europe" based on a project carried out on behalf of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag by TAB (Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag) was recently published.

On the occasion of the introduction of ‘public petitions’ by the German Bundestag which provides the possibility to transmit, publish and debate people’s petitions electronically the TAB started to monitor not only this German system of e-participation but also other, comparable  systems from all over Europe. The current report is the result of a second study aimed at tracing further development since 2007 when the first report was released.

The report accentuates the high relevance of petitions and the related innovations which were largely triggered by the use of internet, and provides an overview over the petitions system in all member states of the European Union as well as Switzerland and Norway with a focus on the current state of e-participation possibilities. The Ombudsman Institutions on the national level were also taken in account.

A paper copy in German can be requested from the TAB secretariat ( or downloaded as PDF file from the TAB website. The download of the English version can be found below.

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