ANGOLA | Ombudsman of the Republic of Angola Celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

As part of the celebrations of the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Angola, President of the Network of Ombudsmen, National Human Rights Commissions and other National Human Rights Institutions of the CPLP and Newly Elected President of the Association of Ombudsmen and Mediators African (AOMA), Dr. Antónia Florbela de Jesus Rocha Araújo, addressed a message to all members of the AOMA, taking place on the 11 December 2023, as President of the Network of Ombudsmen, National Human Rights Commissions and other National Human Rights Institutions of the CPLP, promoted an International Conference, under the theme: “Dignity, Freedom and Justice for all, in the countries of the CPLP”.

On 13 December 2023, the Most Honorable Ombudsman of the Republic of Angola, in partnership with the Catholic University of Angola, held a Cycle of Lectures with the general theme: “Dignity, Freedom and Justice for all”, with the following subtopics “Human Rights in the Angolan Constitution”, “Dignity of the Human Person and Justice for All”, in which members of the Executive, Representatives of the National Assembly, Judges of the Superior Courts, Religious Entities and members of Civil Society were present.


Source: Provedoria de Justiça de la República de Angola

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