AZERBAIJAN | Ombudsman’s representatives conducted monitoring of clinical hospital of the Armed Forces

The head of the sector for the Protection of the Rights of Military Servants of the Ombudsman Office, Fazail Hasanov and the Chief Advisor of this Sector, Adil Hajiyev visited jointly with the representative of the Ministry of Defense the main clinical hospital of the Armed Forces for the military personnel of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During the visit all the departments of the hospital were monitored and the state of health of the servicemen as well as provision of the necessary medical service, treatment conditions and food supply were exemined. The representatives of the Ombudsman had individual meetings with the doctors of the hospital and the servicemen under treatment.

The representatives of the Ombudsman Institution also visited the military unit jointly with the representative of the Civil Defence Troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The unit was monitored, the representatives of the Ombudsman Office met with the military personnel and got acquainted with the living conditions, food supply and medical treatment.   


Source: The Ombudsman of Azerbaijan

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