SPAIN/CATALONIA | Ombudsman submitted Annual Report 2014 to Parliament

In 2014 the Catalan Ombudsman handled over 27,211 actions, concerning 53.095 people. 40% of these actions were related to social policies. The current restriction of the rights of dependant people, specially the suspension of economic benefits related to nursing home services, is unacceptable.

There is an urgent need to pass a new regulation with regards to minimum income benefit that meets current social needs.

As for healthcare, proceedings regarding waiting lists should be reviewed. It cannot be understood the lack of definition by the Government of Catalonia of energy poverty. The Ombudsman urges the Government of Catalonia to revoke all sanctions of the campaign #Novullpagar in order not to create an undue disadvantage.

The Ombudsman also warns that some of the regulations regarding citizen public security being put in place by the Spanish Government may undermine citizens' rights and freedoms.

For more information please see the following Press Release or the institution's Annual Report 2014.


Source: Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya, SPAIN

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