At Nyírbátor temporary hostel of restricted access mainly single men, illegal migrants coming from countries outside of Europe are held in custody for a period no longer than 12 months. During their two-day visit, members of the staff of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights spoke with 62 foreigners out of 207 and with members of guard personnel. As to their general impressions, living conditions of foreigners accommodated in building „A” practically were similar as in a prison, while those accommodated in building „B” were living under even worst conditions, this building under present circumstances is unsuitable for detention.
Most of the staff members of the temporary hostel of restricted access speak no foreign languages, thus persons in detention had to communicate with gestures. Verbal abuse of detainees is part of the guarding-routine and active abuse is not uncommon. According to the house-rules, detainees are not allowed to bring bread to their cells, a rule being controlled through inspections including mouth-examination, constituting a degrading treatment.
The management of the temporary hostel with restricted access even prohibited to those 82 foreigners held in building „B” to open their cell’s windows at night and they also had to ask for permission to go to the toilet. At early hours, there were only two guards on duty, thus, if foreigners were unable to wait for having their permission had to urinate in their cells, in the presence of their cellmates into plastic bottles intended for this purpose.
There are only three public phones available for more than 200 detainees, which can also generate conflicts. There is an „isolation room” in the temporary hostel of restricted access practically functioning as a solitary confinement which also raises serious human rights considerations.
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights asked to take the actions required the general prosecutor in order to inspect further problems arising from the abuse of foreigners and the Minister of Interior and the Chief of Police solving the remaining problems.
Source: Commissioner for Fundamental Rights