EUROPE | OSCE Guide on Understanding Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes

Intolerance against Muslims in any form — be it violence, discrimination, harassment or online abuse — has a detrimental effect on the lives of Muslim individuals and communities. This Guide, published by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Secutiry and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), is designed to aid governments in their actions on preventing and combating hate crimes.

Among others, it includes an analysis of security risks and the necessary actions required, with the aim of improving the capacity of the police and other institutions to meet the security needs of Muslim communities and individuals. It also touches on select topics, such as the underreporting and under-recording of hate crimes against Muslims. In addition, the Guide, which is available on the OSCE website in English, Russian, French, and German sets out practical steps that governments can take to address issues of security for Muslim communities, which work in tandem with the efforts within these same communities.


Source: Organization for Secutiry and Co-operation in Europe

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