KOREA | Seoul Metropolitan Government Citizens' Ombudsman Commission celebrates 5th Anniversary

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Citizens' Ombudsman Commission since it was launched for the first time among local governments of Republic of Korea in February 2016 as an independent collegiate administrative agency. As an ombudsman organization, the commission is responsible for monitoring the municipal administration and protecting the rights and interests of our valued citizens.

The commission's goal is to take in the things that citizens regard as unfair and to find the solutions to make the necessary corrections from the citizens' perspective. It is comprised of 37 employees includes one chairperson, six ombudsmen who are outside experts, and 30 office workers to conduct citizen audits, resident audits, and ex officio audits, handle the investigations of civil petitions for grievance, and monitor public projects. The commission joined the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) as a voting member in May 2020.


Audit (citizen audit, resident audit, and ex officio audit)

  • Citizen audit

The commission conducts the audits of the Seoul Metropolitan Government and its affiliated organizations for any infringement on the pertinent rights and interests arising from any illegal or unfair administrative dispositions or unreasonable administrative systems claimed by at least 50 citizens of Seoul aged 18 or older (including residents of a foreign nationality).

  • Resident audit

The commission conducts audits in the event where at least a certain number of residents (100-200) aged 19 or older from 25 autonomous districts in Seoul files a claim against the head of their respective district, based upon the allegation that the district’s administration violates the laws and regulations or significantly harms the public interest.

  • Ex officio audit

The commission conducts ex officio audits if any illegal or unfair matters are found during the investigations of civil petition for grievance and public project monitoring activities. The ex officio audit is an active monitoring the municipal administration by ombudsmen, rather than as an audit for claims filed by the citizens or residents, so as to improve the transparency and fairness of the administration.

In 2020, a total of nine audits were carried out, including two citizen audits, four resident audits, and three ex officio audits, and 65 administrative and financial measures were enforced to improve the unreasonable practices and systems to combat any inconveniences and financial waste factors.


Investigation of Civil petition for grievance

The commission conducts a direct investigation if it is found necessary to carry out the investigation in a daily review meeting when the citizens of Seoul file any complaints about illegal, unfair, or unreasonable administrative systems that violate their rights or cause any inconveniences or burden.

In 2020, out of 2,023 civil petitions for grievance submitted, 313 cases were handled directly, and 1,712 cases were transferred to other organizations. The Commission filed 60 recommendations for corrections and improvements and sent 28 opinions to the related agencies and departments, thereby taking measures to remedy the civil rights and interest and make administrative improvements.


Public project monitoring

The commission monitors the entire process of public projects (ordering, bidding, contracting, execution, etc.) ordered by Seoul Metropolitan Government and the affiliated organizations, such as the projects under the policy and life-oriented projects of the great concern of the citizens.

In 2020, 121 projects subject to intensive monitoring were selected and monitored, and 60 recommendations and 105 opinions were made as a result of the monitoring activities to ensure fairness and transparency in the municipal administration.


Source: Seoul Metropolitan Government Citizens' Ombudsman Commission, Republic of Korea

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