The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights presented its alternative report on the fulfillment of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women to portrait the Commissioner’s view of a situation with observance of the rights of women in Ukraine. The presentation was attended by People's Deputies of Ukraine, representatives of the central executive bodies, the National Police and representatives of the international and public organizations.
"We consider this presentation as a platform to combine the efforts of all concerned parties for the subsequent elaboration of remarks and recommendations to the 8th periodic report on the fulfillment by Ukraine of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women which will be presented by the UN Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women during the meeting on 14 February 2017", the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska emphasized.
She expressed gratitude to the UN Development Program in Ukraine for support during preparation of the alternative report. In turn, the representative of the Commissioner for Observance of the Rights of the Child, Nondiscrimination and Gender Equality, Ms. Aksana Filipishyna, noted that the prepared alternative report contains not only information concerning obstacles which women face in relation to the implementation of the rights in political, economic, social and other spheres, but also recommendations of the Commissioner for Human Rights which can promote overcoming such obstacles.
During discussion of the alternative report, the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Ms.Iryna Geraschenko, in particular, noted: "Annoyingly that a destructive position of some deputies among whom and members of the Ukrainian delegation in PACE, prevented us to ratify the Istanbul convention which is one of key documents of the Council of Europe in the sphere of gender equality. But we continue to work with colleagues persistently in the direction of ratification of the Convention which will become an important step on the way to protection of the Ukrainian women against violence and discrimination".
Ms. Iryna Geraschenko is convinced that data concerning key achievements and the expert recommendations provided in the alternative report are especially useful on the eve of the 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women where Ukraine has to present achievements in the sphere of gender equality.
Ms.Iryna Suslova, chairman of the subcommittee for gender equality and non-discrimination of Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for protection of human rights, ethnic minorities and interethnic relations, focused her attention on the relevance of preparing such an alternative report and noted that it is a valuable source of information.
Source: Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Ukraine