Regional President Rafael Ribó, who came to Vienna to participate in the celebrations to mark the 10th Anniversary of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), took the opportunity of this visit to meet with IOI Secretary General Kräuter on 27 February 2017.
Mr Ribó informed the Secretary General about some of the main projects which the European Region of the IOI will put into effect this year, such as the second edition of a workshop on “Human Rights Challenges in Europe”, to be held in Barcelona from 3 – 4 April 2017 or plans for another workshop in 2017 with a focus on “Own initiative power of the Ombudsman”, to be hosted by the Office of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands.
The Region will put another focus on strengthening its relations with the Council of Europe – in particular the Council’s Human Rights Commissioner – and on forging closer ties with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
Both Mr Ribó and Mr Kräuter attended the celebrations marking the 10th Anniversary of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, which took place in Vienna the next day.