Ukraine | Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights took part in 16th session of the UN Human Rights Council

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Nina Karpachova took part in the ongoing 16th session of the UN Human Rights Council. On 9 March 2011 the Ombudsman made an oral statement at the Annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child focused on children who live and work in the street.

Speaking at the session, the Ombudsman of Ukraine presented her Special report "The state of observance and protection of the rights of the child in Ukraine", dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Ukraine's ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The English version of the Special Report has been posted on the website of the UN Human Rights Council (A/HRC/16/NI/5). The Report is based on the complex monitoring as well as analysis of complaints received by the Ombudsman of Ukraine from children, which enabled to take into account their views."

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