In the framework of a joint Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and Stirling University research project on complaints as a driver of innovation and service improvement in public services the two universities are currently conducting a global scan for interesting examples which could be included in a series of case studies which will be published by NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts).
The Universities are working together with NESTA to examine examples of public service innovation that have arisen from complaints or feedback. The ultimate aim of the project is to examine what drives innovation and how innovations can be disseminated to other public services, in order to improve them.
Keen to ensure to have a wide range of innovations, from different areas of public services around the UK and internationally the universities are consulting widely throughout public services, and already have received a number of varied and interesting examples of where complaints have led to service innovations - in processes, strategy, technology, collaborative working, and so on.
Contributions to this project with examples are highly appreciated.
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