PAKISTAN | PIA reimburses RS. 80,820 to passenger on Ombudsman's directions

Acting upon the directions by the Federal Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib) of Pakistan, the Pakistan International Airline (PIA) reimbursed an amount of Rs. 80,820/- that was extra charged by the department from a passenger travelling from Pakistan to the United Kingdom.

A resident of London filed a complainant with the Wafaqi Mohtasib that during her journey, she was extra charged with an amount of Rs. 80,820/- in terms of change of travel plan.

After due course of hearings, the Federal Ombudsman directed the national flag carrier to reimburse the said amount to the complainant. The same was duly refunded to her and elicited from her a strong letter of appreciation to the Federal Ombudsman: “I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the officer who attended the hearing and helped me regarding my complaint against PIA. I am proud of such officers who believe in serving people as part of their duty”.

Source: Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, PAKISTAN

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