PAKISTAN | Public Works Department (PWD) pays three months salary on Ombudsman's directions

On the intervention of the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, Mr. M. Salman Faruqui, the employees of the Pakistan Public Works Department (Pak. PWD) have received their three months salary.

The Wafaqi Mohtasib had taken cognizance of a news item stating that the employees of the Pak. PWD, Central Zone Lahore had not been paid their salaries for the last three months and were consequently facing serious financial difficulties.

On the direction of the Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat, the Agency arranged for payment of outstanding salaries of concerned employees of the Pak.PWD after getting additional funds from the Finance Division. The grievance of the concerned employees therefore stood redressed.

Source: Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, PAKISTAN

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