OHCHR | Practical NHRI Guidelines for interaction with Treaty bodies

One of the objectives of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is to assist in the establishment and strengthening of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) as independent institutions that comply with the Paris Principles. OHCHR also encourages and supports the participation of such institutions in international human rights fora, including the UN human rights Treaty Body system and the Human Rights Council, in order to enhance effective monitoring and implementation of international human rights norms at the national level.

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights offers practical information for National Human Rights Institutions for the interaction with Treaty Bodies. A respective Information Note provides a brief overview of the United Nations Treaty Body system and the various opportunities for NHRI interaction with the Treaty Bodies, in order to enhance the protection and promotion of human rights at the national level. The working methods and rules of procedure of Treaty Bodies that are relevant to the participation of NHRIs are also included to give guidance to NHRIs wishing to participate in, or submit information to, the Treaty Bodies sessions.


Source: OHCHR

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