UKRAINE | Presentation of the Strategic Directions of activity of the Office of the Ombudsman for 2015

On the occasion of a presentation of the strategic directions of the Office of the Ombudsman for 2015, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska, presented the institution's new official website.

"I want to thank all the representatives of international organizations and civil society institutions for their active cooperation with the Office of Ombudsman, because of that we manage to implement all the tasks that we face," - the Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Valeriya Lutkovska noted opening a presentation of the strategic directions of the Office of Ombudsman for 2015. At the same time a new website of the Commissioner for Human Rights was presented, elaborated with the support of the British Embassy in Ukraine. The material and technical base, including computers, servers and other equipment were provided by the Turkish Agency for International Cooperation and Development "TIKA".

Presenting the new official website of the Ombudsman, Representative of the Commissioner for Public Relations Mr. Mykhailo Chaplyga noted that the main difference of a new site, it is more convenient, interactive and informative than the last one.

"The main difference between this site - more focus on applicants. Base of the site are key areas of our activity, including new, such as the fight against all forms of discrimination, access to public information, protection of personal data. We are implementing new ways of communication, while remaining as open and transparent. In particular, the new site has a section "Monitoring of activity", which includes materials of all independent monitoring of our office conducted by representatives of civil society. As you know, our office, one of the first, introduced public constant monitoring of its activity. In the above section are the results of monitoring - evaluation of the comments, constructive criticism, advice, etc.," – the Representative of the Commissioner informed.

Source: Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, UKRAINE

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