PAKISTAN/SINDH | President addresses seminar on "Role of Ombudsman Excesses against Women (Karo Kari) & Children"

Pakistan is one of the countries in the Asian Region to have taken the initiative to establish institutional arrangements for tackling Women & Children related issues. Ombudsman Sindh has been endeavoring for creating awareness and sensitizing the society regarding the plight of women and children. To further highlight these issue the Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik organized a seminar on “Role of Ombudsman Excesses against Women (Karo Kari) & Children”. The President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan was requested to preside, who very kindly agreed to chair the seminar. The Seminar was held on 15th January 2014.

The President of Pakistan was welcomed by the Honourable Governor Sindh and Provincial Ombudsman Sindh. In his welcome address the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh gave an overview of the performance and achievements of the institution and his efforts to sensitize the government and civil society to the problems and issues being faced by the two vulnerable segments in Pakistan. He stated that Karo K ari (Honour killing) was a serious social threat to security of women which hampered their socio-economic development. But Karo-Kari required stringent legislation and true implementation and a change in our mind set which could be achieved with coordinated efforts of all stake holders.

The Governor Sindh appreciated the contribution of Provincial Ombudsman in protecting human rights and redressing public complaints against state functionaries. Mentioning the abhorrent practice of Karo Kari (Honour Killing) he expressed government’s determination to eradicate this inhuman practice through appropriate legislation and awareness among the public.

The President in his address admired the working of the Ombudsman institution & its role in imparting prompt and inexpensive justice to the poor and marginalized people.  President expressed government’s firm resolve to meet the challenge of Karo Kari and pointed out that the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2004 adopted by National Assembly aims to eliminate procedural delays and enhance the punishment for this crime. Under this amendment Karo Kari is to be treated as premeditated murder. He said that effective legislation regarding women and children and enabling them to contribute to social development was collective responsibility of the state and society. He concluded with the remarks that the coordination between state and civil society will succeed in attaining objectives of eliminating Karo Kari and this aspect should be treated as a national priority.

Source: Ombudsman of Sindh, PAKISTAN

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