Chris Field, President of the International Ombudsman Institute and Western Australian Ombudsman, provided a Welcome Address to the International Mediation Congress, An approach to Conflict in the Global Agenda, held in Rosario, in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, from 5 to 7 July 2022.
Participants in the Congress included Mr Pablo Ulloa, President of FIO; Ms Cristina Ayoub Riche, President of the ILO; Mr Werner Amon, Secretary General of the IOI; Mr Kai Brand-Jacobsen, President, Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania; and Mr Gabriel Savino and Mr Jorge Henn, Associate Ombudsmen of the Office of the Ombudsman of Santa Fe.
“Advancing our understanding of conflict is at the very core of the work that we do and the reason why our institutions actually exist. Indeed, not a single day will pass without our institutions responding to, or being influenced by, conflict of some kind. In undertaking this important work, our institutions uphold the great principles of justice, human rights and the rule of law” said President Field.
President Field told Congress delegates that: “The Latin American region, and its Ombudsmen, defenders of the public and human rights institutions, are admired by me and admired all around the world for your scholarly and practical commitment, particularly in relation to such vital methodologies as mediation, conflict resolution and restorative justice. Equally, you are admired for your steadfast commitment to human rights protection in all its forms, including championing the rights of women and those who are most vulnerable in your societies. I thank you for that work”.
Source: Office of the Ombudsman of Western Australia