At the Vienna meeting of the IOI Board of Directors, held in October 2014, Peter Tyndall (Ombudsman of Ireland) was elected 2nd Vice-President of the IOI. As a result of this election, Mr. Tyndall had to step down as Regional President of the IOI’s European Region and a new Regional President had to be elected.
The Rules of the European Region stipulate that the Regional President shall be elected by electronic ballot from amongst the remaining World Board members and Prof. Irena Lipowicz, Human Rights Defender of Poland and esteemed Member of the IOI Board since 2010, received three nominations.
A ballot to allow Voting members to confirm the nomination of Prof. Lipowicz has been carried out in January and the European Region informed the IOI Secretary General that the nomination was confirmed. Prof. Lipowicz has therefore been officially elected Regional President of the IOI Europe.
As Regional President of IOI Europa, Prof. Lipowicz will continue to advocate the exchange of experiences between Ombudsman institutions, especially during times of crisis and to encourage solidarity with Ombudsman colleagues under threat.
As a result of Prof. Lipowicz's election, the Secretariat of the IOI’s European Region will be transferred from the Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland to the Office of the Human Rights Defender in Poland this week and members can then contact the European Regional President at:
Office of the Human Rights Defender
Al. SolidarnoĊci 77
00-090 Warszawa
Phone: +4822 55 17 962