PAKISTAN | Provincial Ombudsman,Khyber Pakhtunkhwa presented Annual Report 2021

On 22 June 2022, Syed Jamalud Din shah, Provincial Ombudsman, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan presented the Annual Report, 2021 before the Hon’ble Governor (Acting), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Like the previous year 2020, this year also faced the menace of corona virus resulting in lock down, 50% attendance of staff due to which official business suffered badly. Despite these hinderances coupled with some other restraining factors, the team worked with zeal and did their best to achieve the set targets.

In accordance with the given mandate the Ombudsman along with his team embarked on the journey to redress the grievances of the people in a just and prompt way. A brief gist of the complaints is that during this year total 1336 complaints were registered and 392 were carried forward from previous year, thus total 1729 complaints were to be disposed off, out of which 1337 complaints were decided. Besides, public has easy and quick access to the office through website, email, telephone, cell phone and a mechanism has been devised to facilitate the complainants to get firsthand information about the progress in their cases.

An important and novel aspect of this report is that causes of maladministration of various departments have been analyzed and suggestions to improve working environment of the offices have also been incorporated which will provide proper guidance to the head of the departments for bringing change and improve service delivery in larger public interest.

Although the above referred measures have improved the situation quite a lot, still a lot is needed to be done. With kind and continued support of the Provincial Government, The Provincial Ombudsman Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will be able to extend exemplary justice to the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa at their doorsteps.


Source: Office of the Provincial Ombudsman Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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