PAKISTAN | Provincial Ombudsman Sindh orders removal of illegal encroachment from Muslim League Quarters

The Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, was approached by citizens that some miscreants had closed the road around Millat Park in Karachi, encroached the park and were using it as dumping ground for old discarded furniture. Simultaneously some anti-social activities were also witnessed in park vicinity.

Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik took serious notice of this matter of public interest and issued urgent directives to the concerned police authorities to initiate immediate action in this regard. In compliance of the orders of the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh the encroachers were removed from the Park and its surroundings and effective measures were also taken against the anti-social elements. The park was restored for inmates of the neighbouring area. The complainants expressed their satisfaction and thanks on the implementation of Ombudsman orders.

Source: Honourable Ombudsman Sindh, Pakistan

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