UKRAINE | Public Statement of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

The last few weeks a group of People’s Deputies are executing a political order, making groundless accusations and are putting an overt political pressure on the institution of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

Thus an evident desire to undermine independence of institution and an intent to replace discussion on the current human rights situation by a political show are clearly perceived. The most commonly used accusation is alleged inaction during the Revolution of Dignity.

However, the Special Report of the Commissioner on violations of human rights and freedoms between November 2013 and February 2014 has been stubbornly invisible to them. This Special Report was published as early as in March 2014 and recommendations formulated in it are still relevant. Numerous declarations of human rights organizations and civil society initiatives of the Maidan movement on the effectiveness of the Commissioner’s activity and her close co-operation with them during the Revolution of Dignity have not been taken into account. Apropos, the said Special Report was used by the International Advisory Panel of the Council of Europe, established to investigate crimes committed between November 2013 and February 2014, as well as while seizing the Hague International Criminal Court on the issue of investigation of crimes against humanity committed during the Revolution of Dignity.

Besides, in March 2014 and March 2015 the Commissioner for Human Rights presented to the Parliament of Ukraine her two Annual Reports for 2013 and 2014 respectively. These documents of more than 500 pages each provide for detailed results of the Commissioner’s activities, her findings and information on the status of human rights observance in Ukraine.

Also during 2014 the Commissioner submitted to the Parliament several Special Reports concerning the current issues of human rights protection.

At the same time it is obvious that individual politicians are not interested in delving into the essence of human rights and freedoms violations and taking measures to eliminate them.

Taking into consideration the above mentioned and in order to study objectively my activities as the Commissioner for Human Rights, to analyse in detail each measure I have taken, I publicly call on People’s Deputies of Ukraine to strictly comply with the Law and the mechanism it provides for – establishment of a Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine which, following the results of its findings, shall give an objective opinion on the activities of the Commissioner.

In order to ensure full openness and transparency of this Temporary Special Commission’s activities I urge to engage in it representatives of civil society and international organizations specializing in the protection of human rights in Ukraine.

I am ready to make activities of the Temporary Special Commission as publicly available as possible and to provide the answer to all questions.

Only strict adherence to the provisions of the Law and established procedures will provide an opportunity to confirm the chosen path of development of the state in accordance with commitments undertaken by Ukraine within the European integration process.

Source: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights    



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