QUEBEC | Raymonde Saint-Germain appointed for a second term

On 9 June 2011 the Members of the National Assembly unanimously re-appointed Raymonde Saint-Germain Québec Ombudsperson for a second five-year term of office.

Ms. Saint-Germain has been the Québec Ombudsperson since April 2006. Her investiture coincided with the expansion of the institution's responsibilities to include second-recourse reception and processing of citizen complaints in the health and social services sector.

 "I want to thank the Members of the National Assembly for their confidence in me.  I repeat that I and my team are determined to continue to act as fair and impartial mediators so that the best solutions can be found to problems that citizens have in interacting with government departments and agencies," said Raymonde Saint-Germain.


Source: Protecteur du citoyen du Québec - Dptm for International Affairs

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