We are pleased to inform you, that the recorded AORC/IOI Webinar on the “UN Resolution on Ombudsman and Mediator institutions” and the speaker presentations are now available online. Re-watch the event here.
The United Nations Resolution on Ombudsman and Mediator institutions was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 16 December 2020. It represents a strong endorsement of the key principles of Ombudsman institutions and it is an important further step in securing worldwide recognition for the work of Ombudsman institutions in promoting good administration, human rights, good governance and the rule of law.
On 23 February, the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC), in cooperation with the IOI, organized a facilitated discussion on the UN Resolution and the Venice Principles and their great significance to Ombudsman and mediator institutions around the world.
AORC has now made the recorded video of this event available, so everybody, who was not able to participate in the webinar due to the time difference, can now re-watch the recorded webinar online.
We apologies for the hitches in the English/Arabic interpretation. With technology, we learn every day and we will get better with time. For your convenience, you may find the presentations of the speakers further below (translations will soon be available as well).
Webinar - Order of Proceedings (46,2 KiB)
Welcome Address Prof. Brian McArthur, UKZN (90,1 KiB)
Speech Peter Tyndall, IOI Persident (502,0 KiB)
Speech Judge Mohamed Benalilou, Ombudsman Kingdom of Morocco (838,1 KiB)
Speech Werner Amon, IOI Secretary General (586,4 KiB)
Palabras de Bienvenida Brian McArthur, UKZN (267,4 KiB)
Ponencia Peter Tyndall, Presidente del IIO (711,8 KiB)
Ponencia Juez Mohamed Benalilou, Ombudsman Reino de Marruecos (893,3 KiB)
Ponencia Werner Amon, Secretario General del IIO (593,6 KiB)
Discours de Bienvenue Prof. Brian McArthur, UKZN (271,7 KiB)
Allocution Peter Tyndall, Président de l'IIO (517,6 KiB)
Allocution M. Mohamed Benalilou, Médiateur du Royaume du Maroc (918,8 KiB)
Allocution Werner Amon, Secrétaire général de l'IIO (494,4 KiB)