APOR | Regional meeting held in New Zealand

The IOI’s Australasian & Pacific Region (APOR) held a conference on 13 October 2022 and its 34th annual members’ meeting on 14 October 2022 in Wellington, New Zealand.

The conference, on remaining relevant and getting government to listen, was co-hosted by Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass OBE as Regional President and New Zealand Chief Ombudsman and IOI 2nd Vice President Peter Boshier. It included panel sessions on engaging with civil society while remaining independent; investigating corruption or interacting with those who do; and influencing government while remaining above the fray.

At the meeting on 14 October, members agreed to issue a Communiqué from APOR, reaffirming the Venice Principles and the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on the role of the Ombudsman. You can find this communiqué in the download section below.


Source: Office of the Victorian Ombudsman, Australia

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