PAKISTAN | Report of OIC Conference published

The Ombudsman Network of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held a two-day conference in Islamabad in April 2014. The conference was organized by the Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman and focused on strengthening the Institution of Ombudsmen in OIC member states.

Founded in 1969, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) consists of 57 member states who established the OIC platform in order to protect their common interest. The Networking of the OIC’s Ombudsman Association (OICOA) held a two days conference organized by the Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman and held from 28 to 29 April 2014 in Islamabad, Pakistan.

The overwhelming response by the delegates seen in the conference confirmed the manifest belief of the OIC member states in the value of cooperation for improved governance and development in their jurisdiction. The theme of the conference focused on strengthening the Institution of Ombudsmen in OIC member states by sharing knowledge, experience and ideas. The full conference report is now available on the OICOA website.


Source: OICOA

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