The IOI’s European Region carried out two surveys among its members. One survey focused on “Own Initiative Investigations” and the other one dealt with the “Implementation of the ADR Directive”, i.e. the EU’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Directive.
The survey on “Own Initiative Investigations” aimed at finding out more about how offices decide on topics for such own initiative investigations, how they ensure the recommendations resulting from such investigations are implemented and if offices collaborate with other oversight and/or regulatory bodies when undertaking such own initiative investigations.
In light of the implementation of the EU’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directive, the topic of consumer redress is a very much a live issue in Europe. The aim of this survey was to see if Ombudsman offices have been invited to engage in the development of the ADR Directive, to find out if competent authorities charged with monitoring the function of ADR have been identified in the member states or to gain more insight in the arrangements providing individuals with redress in respect of public utilities such as water or electricity.
The results of both surveys are now available; for more details please see the PDF files below.