The Seimas Ombudsmen of the Republic of Lithuania have assessed application of restraints and restrictions to the rights of hospitalized patients of Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Rokiškis.
The hospital provides health care services, among others, to persons, who having committed an act dangerous to the public have been recognized as being of diminished responsibility by the court as well as individuals, who after performing a criminal act or after hearing a sentence became mentally ill and for this reason are not able to understand the meaning of their actions or control them. Such patients are assigned coercive medical measures. Patients treated in this hospital are applied two types of constraints: lock belts and medical treatment in an intensive care room (hereinafter referred to as ICR). In addition, patients are subject to restrictions on freedom of movement and in some cases to restrictions on individual rights such as the right to communicate and meet with relatives.
During the inspection a particular lack of psychiatrists responsible for the application of restrictive measures on patients was observed (only 19 psychiatrists for 391 patients). Nevertheless, work of the staff of hospital divisions is well organized; patients treated at this hospital are looked after by qualified personnel. Hospital staff tries to help the patients to overcome their mental disorders and patients do not have complaints concerning the staff behaviour.
However, the inspection carried out on the initiative of the Seimas Ombudsmen also revealed some drawbacks. The legal background for application of restrictive measures, which is established in internal documents of the hospital, contradicts provisions of the national law. Application of restrictive measures was observed.
Inspections also revealed other drawbacks: the right of movement of patients treated is severely restricted, e.g. patients are all day held in locked-up rooms, which is unfavourable for their treatment; a proper order to appeal to the administration of the hospital is not guaranteed and the patients are not adequately informed to whom and how they can submit complaints regarding possible violations of their rights.
After taking into consideration the established drawbacks, several recommendations were submitted to the Head of the Hospital such as amending internal regulations of the hospital in order to eliminate the grounds for applying restrictions inconsistent with the provisions of the law; securing that a decision regarding application of restrictions to a patient is taken only by a psychiatrist or guaranteeing that all the cases of application of restrictions are recorded in writing and an effect of an assigned treatment as well as a necessity of its further application is recorded at least once a day.
To read the full press release on this topic, please visit the website of the Seimas Ombudsmen.
Source: Office of the Seimas Ombudsmen, Lithuania