PAKISTAN: | Sindh Ombudsman orders health department for the posting of Polio vaccinator for children under the immunization programme

Eradication of Polio is the objective of Government and the strategy adopted is to involve the Civil Society, NGOs and the general public in the polio campaigns. Due to awareness now people are demanding polio vaccination for their children.

One such case was brought to the notice of Mr.Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, stating that vaccinator had not been posted in Expended Programme on Immunization in the centre of his village for last four months by the Health Department Government of Sindh. Due to non-availability of vaccinator not a single child was vaccinated against polio, being a serious lapse by the Health Department, endangering the lives of the children.

Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Pakistan) took serious note of the matter and issued directives to the Health Department for immediate posting of vaccinator at the EPI Centre, so that vaccination of children could be carried out.

 The orders of the Ombudsman Sindh were complied with by the Health Department and a vaccinator was posted at Village Karam Ali Khan. He also directed the local police to provide fool proof security to the polio staff. Complainant expressed his satisfaction on the steps taken by this institution and thanked the Ombudsman for redressing the grievance and providing relief to the local community.

Source: Ombudsman Sindh, Pakistan

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