EUROPE | Statement of the Mediterranean Ombudsman on the escalating crisis in Ukraine

The Association of Mediterranean Ombudsman (AOM) expresses its deep concern about the suffering caused by the war in Ukraine and asks all parties involved to take immediate action to safeguard in an effective and comprehensive way the fundamental rights of the civilian population.

AOM offers its full support to the efforts of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner of Human rights to offer relief and protection to the victims of this tragedy and expresses its appreciation for the work that colleagues in the neighbouring countries have undertaken, with a view to ensuring that fundamental rights are respected and essential services to those displaced are made available.

AOM strongly and unequivocally declares its commitment to international legality, the rule of law and democracy, for the prosperity of all nations of the region.

To read the full AOM statement, please see the PDF in the download section below.


Source: Association of Mediterranean Ombudsman (AOM)

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