A very successful mid-term meeting of the I.O.I. Board of Directors took place from 7 to 8 May 2012 and was generously hosted by IOI Treasurer and Hong Kong Ombudsman Alan N. Lai.
In order to remain a leading organization within the international community, the IOI is striving to achieve more openness by establishing revised membership criteria and reforming its by-laws as such. It has therefore been noted with great pleasure, that Directors from all six world regions of the IOI were able to attend this most important meeting, mainly focusing on the establishment of a final draft of these new by-laws, which could be sent to IOI members well in advance of the World Conference to be held in Wellington, in November 2012.
In addition to this main project, the IOI Board of Directors also took the opportunity of this mid-term meeting to welcome new members to the Institute, further discuss projects of cooperation with international organizations or regional ombudsman associations and be updated on project proposals sent to the General Secretariat within the “regional subvention programme” of the IOI, successfully introduced in 2011.
All institutional members will receive a summary of the Hong Kong Board decisions in due time.