In 2011, the Spanish Ombudsman formulated 546 resolutions to various public administrations which presupposes a 22 % rise in comparison with last year. Amongst those, 154 were recommendations, 231 suggestions, 156 reminders of their legal duties and 5 were warnings. On December 31st, 70.83 % of the recommendations and 69.53% of the suggestions had been accepted without taking into consideration those which are pending resolution while waiting for the answers of the administration.
As for the recommendations pending resolution formulated in the course of the years 2009 and 2010, at the end of 2011, respectively 71.68 % and 71.70% of them had been accepted.
In the end, over 24 381 complaints were registered last year. Among them, 16 353 were individual complaints, 7 522 were collective ones and 506 were initiative investigations. Out of these, 125 were interventions by the Institution as National Preventive Mechanism against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments (NPM). The control operations realised by the Mechanism were initiative investigation being preventive in nature.
As of the geographic distribution, the major part of the complaints originated from the autonomous community of Madrid (23.19 %), followed by Valencia (14.30%), Andalusia ( 14.09 %) and Catalonia (10.41 %).
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Source: Defensor de Pueblo