The IOI General Secretariat traditionally organizes ombudsman training courses in Vienna. Following two IOI editions of the “Sharpening Your Teeth” training programme that were attended by 80 participants from all world regions, an IOI Ombudsman Practice Training was held this week in cooperation with the Scottish Queen Margaret University (QMU).
On September 16, IOI Secretary General Peter Kostelka officially opened the three-day training programme which focused on complaint assessment, investigation, acting on findings, effective communication and reporting. The course was specially designed for the IOI by experts from Queen Margaret University which has an excellent reputation as a centre for ombudsman and complaint handling practice.
33 participants from all over the world attended the IOI training course. Thanks to the IOI’s scholarship system the event was also accessible to member institutions with limited resources. This year the I.O.I. along with the City of Vienna was able to fund scholarships for participants from Botswana, Sierra Leone, Lithuania, Ukraine, Pakistan and Peru.
You can find one of the participant's perspective of this year's IOI training course on his blog.