I.O.I. NORTH AMERICAN REGION | SYT Training held in Florida

In order to strengthen its regional activities and to ensure that members benefit from I.O.I. services the best way possible, the I.O.I. was pleased to offer a subvention for a SYT Training to the North American Region.

The training was held by Ontario Ombudsman André Marin and Deputy Ombudsman Barbara Finlay on 24 and 25 October 2011 in Jacksonville, Florida in conjunction with the 32nd Annual Conference of the United States Ombudsman Association (USOA).

The training was offered to I.O.I. member institutions free of charge; participation of non I.O.I. members was welcome but required the payment of a course fee. The SYT training attracted 23 participants from the North American, the Caribbean & Latin American as well as the Asian Region of the I.O.I.

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