Tender for I.O.I. regional subsidies 2012

In its efforts to further increase the regional visibility of the I.O.I., the I.O.I. Board of Directors decided at its Zambia meeting in November 2011 to make once again regional subsidies available to its members. This decision follows the successful first round of I.O.I. regional subsidies in 2010/2011.

The overall sum of subsidies amounts to EUR 30,000. Each region will be able to profit from subsidies of up to EUR 5,000. I.O.I. regional subsidies can be used to either finance a project entirely or to co-fund the implementation of a broader project. Projects that involve several I.O.I. institutional members are highly welcome. Project implementation should take place until the end of the membership year 2011/2012, the payment of subsidies will be performed after project implementation and submission of a project report including a detailed budget overview. Subsidies will be paid directly to the I.O.I. institutional member. Please note that the General Secretariat is currently developing audit guidelines for the subvention of regional projects that will provide for clear rights and duties of subsidy recipients and that will be applied to the 2012 tender.

Institutional members are asked to submit concrete project proposals and cost calculations to the General Secretariat before 15 January 2012. Application forms can be obtained from the General Secretariat (ioi@volksanw.gv.at). As was the case with the regional subsidies for the membership year 2010/2011, the Board authorized the Executive Committee, within the limits of the by-laws, to review and short-list applications for I.O.I. project funding. The Regional Vice-Presidents will be consulted as well on that matter.

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