Since its approval by the European Parliament in 2001, The European Code of Good Administrative Behaviour has become a vital instrument for putting the principle of good administration into practice. It helps individual citizens to understand and obtain their rights, and promotes the public interest in an open, efficient, and independent European administration.
The Code helps citizens to know what administrative standards they are entitled to expect from the EU institutions. It also serves as a useful guide for civil servants in their relations with the public. By making the principle of good administration more concrete, the Code helps to encourage the highest standards of administration.
At the same time as approving the Code, the European Parliament also adopted a resolution calling on the European Ombudsman to apply the Code when examining whether maladministration has occurred. Accordingly, the Ombudsman makes appropriate references to the Code during his inquiries, as well as in his proactive work to promote good administration.
Source: Office of the European Ombudsman