BRAZIL | The Federal Public Defenders' Office releases a report on the human rights situation in Brazil

In order to point out concerns related to human rights in recent years, the Federal Public Defenders' Office (DPU) released the Defenders’ Report – The situation of Human Rights in Brazil. The document spans 354 pages and outlines the need for the Brazilian State to channel investments into structural solutions that prioritize vulnerable populations.

The Defenders' Report is a broad analysis of the human rights situation in Brazil, based on the recommendations of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a human rights monitoring mechanism of the United Nations (UN). The Universal Periodic Review is a mechanism for assessing the human rights situation within the United Nation's 193 member states. The UPR was instituted through a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006, when the Human Rights Council was created.

The DPU document emphasizes that “the immediate enforceability of human rights and their universal applicability, in light of the principle of prohibition of retrogression, do not allow neglecting the political and social commitments made by Brazil in the Federal Constitution and International treaties”. The report also highlights significant setbacks affecting indigenous communities, land demarcation, the prison system, democracy and healthcare. The text was produced based on the work by the Federal Public Defenders' Office for the promotion of human rights.

The DPU functions as an ombudsperson institution, actively engaged in the promotion of human rights. It is a permanent entity, essential to the State's jurisdictional function, operating throughout the national territory. According to the Brazilian Federal Constitution, the DPU is responsible for defending human rights, as well as individual and collective rights, in full and free of charge, to those in need.

For conflict resolution, the DPU engages both in judicial and extrajudicial activities, through discussions with representatives of civil society organizations, to formulate actions and projects that have a positive impact on public policies.


To read the report, kindly refer to the download section below.


Source: The Federal Public Defenders' Office, Brazil

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