Article written by Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, Parliamentary Ombudsman of Malta
This year, the Office of the Ombudsman will mark its 30th Anniversary since the enactment of the Ombudsman Act 1995 (Cap. 385 of the Laws of Malta). The Ombudsman, as Officer of Parliament, was a milestone in Malta’s parliamentary history. The importance of the Office was further reaffirmed when in 2007 its legal status was raised to that of a constitutional office and in 2010 when the operations of the Office were extended to include the Commissioners for Administrative Investigations.From its inception and consistently over the years, the Ombudsman institution has believed and upheld the principles of transparency, fairness, and justice.
This thirtieth anniversary of the institution is indeed an opportunity to reflect on progress, celebrate achievements, and look ahead to future challenges. In keeping with its guiding principles, the anniversary theme encapsulates four key dimensions of the Ombudsman’s work:
1. Protecting Rights: From addressing individual grievances to advocating for systematic improvements in the public administration, the Ombudsman has always championed the rights of the person. By investigating complaints and ensuring remedies for those affected, the institution fosters a culture of respect for individual freedoms and dignity.
2. Ensuring Fairness: The Ombudsman’s mission is grounded in equitable treatment and impartial review. Through reasoned and meticulous investigation, the Office safeguards persons` interests against unfair administrative acts or omissions.
3. Standing for Justice: Ensuring fair treatment lies at the heart of the Ombudsman’s mandate. Upholding justice means going beyond technicalities, promoting accountability, laying bare maladministration, and ensuring that government and the public administration operate in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
4. Fostering Good Governance: The foundations of good governance are transparency, accountability, and responsiveness. By recommending reforms and encouraging dialogue with public institutions, the Ombudsman strengthens institutional integrity, thus contributing to a more open and reliable administration.
The Office has done its fair share to strive for cooperation with the public administration. By favouring dialogue and mutual respect, bridges have been built with government entities in the handling of complaints by aggrieved persons. This approach draws upon Malta’s administrative traditions of impartiality, discreet problem-solving, and swift resolution, further enhancing public confidence in our mission.
Celebrating the institution
The Office of the Ombudsman has prepared three major events to honour the past, engage with the present, and lay the groundwork for future progress.
Kindly click here to read about the thematic lecture on 10 June 2025 with keynote speaker Adv. Kholeka Gcaleka, Public Protector of South Africa, on "Transparency, Fairness, and Accountability - Cornerstones of Good Administration: The Mandate of the Ombudsman", the International Ombudsman Conference from 15-16 October 2025 on "Upholding good governance in challenging times: The Role of the Ombudsman" and the Official 30th Anniversary Commemoration on 15 October 2025.
Source: Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman of Malta